Wednesday, April 6, 2011

finger pointing

with regards to the recent racket over Singapore's "Soft soldier" who made his maid carry his army stuff, who is really at fault to make this major enough to be featured on international platforms? BBC News (this made to international news, link here)

I have this 'friend' on facebook, he facebooked the above, which i could never agree upon regardless of whatever reasons, that the poor soldier had to shoulder all the blame for our embarassment to make such headlines to international news.

Yes, it's a big deal. to make his maid carry his fieldpack. But then again, who was the one who allowed this to be even posted online? Singaporeans. specifically the one who sent this in to STOMP. & of course, the organisation, responsible for releasing pieces of news that our fellow Singaporeans leech upon to satisfy their insatiable hunger for gossip & controversy.

Don't be mistaken. I'm not saying that the NSF wasn't at fault. I'm just saying it's unfair to say that it is he who embarrassed Singapore, because everyone in the society had a part to play, & it IS REALLY, the 'kaypoh-ness' of the people, the overly-unhealthy curiousity; the poor foundations of morals the society built upon which led to this.

& anyway, seems that such unworthy gossip is not epic enough, not even a 2-day consecutive headline material that everything had died down already.

So, just hope that our fellow people would be more tolerant towards each other. Don't be too quick to judge, becuase there may really be a reason why people do wrong. & people who succumb to finger-pointing too easily should really be more retrospective. You're not perfect either.

& of course, those who did wrong should repent & hopefully do not repeat history again. :D

As for that facebook friend. He's only a 'friend' like i stated from the start. there's really not much value to this friendship in the first place. disappointments.

then again. i believe in change.

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