Saturday, November 2, 2013

two saturdays before exams

Yesterday two korean ladies asked me for directions. I wonder why I keep bumping into koreans. It's like god keeps rubbing salt into my wound as if it didn't hurt enough. Not that I no longer wish to see anything korean, I still want to learn the language, but it's another thing to be reminded of it every now and then. They were a pretty cute couple though, they were pointing at a map, and just said "빙수 빙수 " hahaha. I pointed them at the direction and hope they managed to find their way there.

Today I had lunch with my brother. I needed to get my korean supplies because my chilli powder is running out. But unfortunately jiamin helped me call and they're taking the day off, today it's a public holiday supposedly. did some grocery shopping with my younger brother and hopefully I have enough food to sustain myself for the entire exam period.

Here I am with my tons of books. I looked at the pile emptily. Don't know where to start but I know I'm just reluctant. But it's almost my final lap in school. After this and one more sememster and I'm done. I'd be free to do whatever I want. I definitely can graduate in time. I'm too smart for schools. I need to break out of it and do something else fast.

Ashika encouraged me to go overseas to experience other cultures. I thought about it for a while. I was thinking perhaps when my work ends, I could go korea for probably a year or half, their universities have a korean language school. . Maybe I can get to meet other oppa too. HAHA. Or maybe I could start sourcing for a school in US or UK to do my masters. Unlikely though.

Sounds pretty good. For now, as I sort out my notes, I think a lot again, & a lot of things are better left unsaid. I hope you're also working hard to complete your studies so you can move on to pursue whatever you wish to do in life. If you don't do your racecar thing, u'd always think about it. It'd be fun i guess. (:

I'm craving for Ramen. I really love ramen. i wish I have the same dedication for school. HAHA.

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