We used to be like that.
For my own memory's sake, I've taken some pictures of what I've gone through today.

My super thick blood stained mucus. But It's nothing. I can overcome this. I'm usually healthy, just that this year I'm especially weak. Probably it's due to the stress that comes from the desperate need to graduate. Perhaps it's due to the lack of exercise. Or maybe... It's so many things. But I'll be fine. :)

I've also been memorizing my notes for tomorrow's exam. It's tough but I guess I can do it :) I haven't tried memorizing things for a really long time. Tomorrow's exam I'm confident I'll most probably get an A again :) heh.
Lastly, an exam stressed Peiru.

Oh. This one, you'll be proud of me 오빠. :) I've been watching running man, just a few episodes here & there to try getting used to the language & to see if there's anything I could pick up. One phrase I learned today.
오빠, 잘있니 ?
& sometimes I wonder how far my persistence can bring me. Maybe not far. But I'll do my best.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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