Monday, January 20, 2014

I'm counting down already

oppa, what was the app that you used for the countdown the other time? I want to download that too, so I can countdown to the day I'm seeing you.

HAHAHAHA. I'm so happy, you wouldn't believe it.

But for now, I have to slog day and night, to reach targets and hold realistic dreams of accomplishing what I've been assigned. Sigh. work is tough. Plus tomorrow is the start of my school. I wish I can cope well between studies and work.

To see you in February is a little tight, but it's okay. For you, I'll speed up my work so I can fully enjoy myself while I'm with you. I'm not bringing my book. It's too heavy. Heh. I can learn my Korean, brush it up before I meet you again. I'm so psyched. I'm so excited.

I'll bring you a surprise. whether you like it or not. I bet you'll like it. hees. I'm very sure you'll like it. But please don't expect anything much. & Don't worry. we don't have a love child. HAHAHAHAHA. Just kidding :p

Oppa. Good night to you.

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