We woke up pretty late today. & HK wanted to bring me to the chix rice which he thought was very nice, & had it since primary school (or was it secondary school?) LOL! AIYA, SAME SAME LA! lol.
it was not bad! (: but i preferred the part where he shared his childhood with me, because only in that way, can i experience how his life was, back then, when i hadnt known him. It was only through sharing of your past, that we are able to make up for the times when we werent together for the past 21 years. (: & so i know, that my boyfriend used to be a hardcore LAN mini ahbeng! LOL!
watched Orphan. it was a damn sick show. it's about this girl who contracted this hormonal imbalance disease, and grew to look as if she is a teenager for good. but instead she's already 33 yrs! shocking! and she ends up liking all the dads who adopted her, and when she finds out that the dad actually doesnt like her at all, she'd grow damn violent and kills the whole family.
its' the heart of darkness. (JC lit book title. apt! HAHAS!)
Hwee Kiat's sister drove us to Parkway so that i could get kai wei and the girls Koi! (: she was very nice! i'd love to have a sister. but i wont complain because i already have an awesome brother =p
very soon, met up with kai wei, mabel, xuemin & Jo. we roamed around the Travel fair, & they signed for a package which i thought was pretty worth it! $205 for 4d3n in Genting. not bad lar! HAHAS. on the other hand, "Happy Bunch" couldnt coordinate all our timings. it's such a disappointment! i was more than willing to spend on this trip already! yet nobody seems as interested as me! LOL.
Went acia to have our dinner (:
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