- It costs a bomb!
- IT'S FREAKING TROUBLESOME! you'll have to wear some special glasses to enable the 3D effectS to be seen
- You'll need a TV which is capable of showing such images in the highest quality. otherwise, dont bother.
- you'll need to change battery of the glasses. OH GOD. double jobs.
- you'll need 3D dvds. & people wouldnt sell 3D movies now.
- If i dont wear the special glasses, it give me a headache or giddyness whenever i look into the almost distorted images, because i am watching it 3D
- even when i wear those special glasses, i still get a headache from seeing it.
so why should we bother? please stop the big hoo-haa over the 3D THING. IM NOT IMPRESSED AT ALL.
& no 3d movies for me. i'm so gonna hate it. this is a very interesting top i saw. look at those in the racks. they're just a piece of very very long cloth. but you can make it into clothes of your own design, up to your imagination! and surprisingly, the carboon fibres didnt fail to stick together after you wrapped it up to form your own clothes! how amazing!
at night, i brought Hwee Kiat around. im supposed to keep the KP's "chalet" thing a surprise. so we roamed around orchard till it was like 10.30pm, after kai wei and gang have arrived that i decided to show him the main programme of the night. (:
& we had yami yoghurt, my fav beef horfun from far east, & got my favourite drink that only ikea and some jap shop in ION sells, got some Royce to share with the rest, sat in MOS Burger for a drink and some monopoly deal games. & we walked to kp's apartment because the taxi stands have so many people & my feet ached from one of my fav shoes.
only then i decided to disclose the secret to HK, & called for kp's help to bring us to his place. we had a very healthy night! & shyt kai wei! she didnt get me my watermelon ): arghhhh!LOL!!!
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