Work was draining me out today. i was practically having the whole day to myself, of which i ought to be happy about, but unfortunately, i'm not the sort who feels good about slacking & doing nothing while i get my cash. I've learnt that there's such a cult/religion/belief (only recognised in some places) called scientology. i know the story line of "Hostel" and "Hostel II". I've wiki-ed on snuff movies & the controversies. i've learnt that there were 7 animals being sacrificed in the movie "cannibal halocaust".
being the timid person that i've always been, i've jumped upon Jason's deliberate move to scare, & Jun quan's unintentional subtle call which sent me on my nerves.
probably reading up on such gory stuffs is a mistake.
but from this, i've realised, when you google "gore", Al Gore seemed to be more famous than gory movies. This is a good sign because it shows how much people are concerned with the fact that our Earth is not very sustainable at the rate we are depleting resources & the abhoring negligence & nonchalant attitudes we possess.
i looked forward to tonight. because boyfriend is bringing his dog for a walk!
tying the leash!

as i drive, honey held to miu miu! & she's very excited about it. see, she kept looking out of the window!
Honey, from today, i've learnt you didnt really know how to bring your ideas across in the most perfect way. but i love the way you care about me. I love how you speak to me in that very subtle & gentle voice. I love the way you submit to me just to win my smile. I love the way you try very hard to make me laugh. I love the way you snore when you sleep beside me right now as i blog. i love the way you give me the share of the bed nearer to the fan because you're afraid that i'll get mos bites again. i love the way you hold my hand as we walk the dog, talking about the future & painting our future with a golden retriever in hand instead of a poodle+maltese breed.
& with every step we take, we'll grow stronger. i believe so. i believe you do too (: