So here's my way of making pancakes:
Water :
-I really don't know how to tell you how much water to put. Gauge yourself. It comes with more practise (:
- to be on the safe side, just follow instructions behind the packaging.
-You may want to use milk to make your pancake more flavourful. (:
Fire :
-Fire cannot be too big, your pancake will burn.
-Fire cannot be too small either, your pancake's face will turn brown to black if you slow cook it. & either too big a fire or too small, will result in a pancake with a burnt face, and taste sooty & burnt.
-The fire has to be medium. [Oh u guess it right! ;)]
-U really cannot scrimp on the oil. If you do, u won't get those nice golden brown edges that lines the pancake. They give the boring pancake a texture twist. You get crunchy edges! (& yeah, i'm saying pancakes without the crispy edges LIKE MACDONALD'S, are boring!)
-but of course, if you're very health conscious, u can even skip the oil with a non-stick pan. But be warned it's gonna taste ugly.

Supermarkets are selling Macdonald's Maple Syrup for $14.80 - $15 ++. It's not worth the price when u can always save a packet when you visit! It's not being cheapo okay! Not like you eat pancakes EVERYDAY?! & that Maple Syrup bottle is soooo BIGGGG, i think even before you finish it, you'll either get diabetes, or, it'll be expired.
It's either you die, or the maple syrup dies. LOL. boyfriend & i didn't even use half of that mac's maple syrup!
Therefore, i think Macdonalds syrup should be sold in smaller quantities. To cater to people like me who don't see the value in buying a ultra big bottle of syrup which i barely use, but still have the use for it. :D

"Don't Miss the catch of the Day!"
& yeah, i didn't miss it. It was a free Fish with every meal purchased. & their Fish is pretty fresh! *only this outlet, i think.

My day couldn't be better, when lastly, i realised that i have left my laptop carelessly in the toilet of that shopping centre. BUT, people with integrity still exist! they logged into my MSN & tried to contact me. created a great hoo-hah & stirred a commotion amongst my friends. & suddenly my friends kept sms-ing me to verify the statements of that Samaritan, whether i did lose my laptop.
I panicked. But luckily that guy was very kind, the Samaritan even took the trouble to send my laptop over to the East side, since he was driving. The deed have regained my faith in humanity that not everyone is corrupted.
Porbably i wouldn't feel the pain for losing a laptop because i'm not that needy. IMAGINE SOME POOR GUY/GIRL/HOUSEHOLD WHO USED UP EVERY PENNY IN THE HOUSE, OR SAVE UP FOR YEARS TO HELP THEM IN THEIR EDUCATION NEEDS LOSE IT. the person who picked what's not theirs did not only steal a laptop from them, but also cause agony & losing of the competitive edge among their peers.
& sadly, ONLY education is about the most constructive & workable way for people to break out of their poverty cycle.
I can't imagine. & probably that person gained something, but lost their conscience in the process too. & one that will haunt him forever.
Remember, "All that glitters is not gold".