Popeye is not longer operating 24/7. is only opened until 2am. but we were there like at 1.30am!! yet they insisted that it's closed. WHATEVER. U DON'T NEED TO KEEP UP TO YOUR SERVICE STANDARDS. GO AHEAD. MAKE CHANGI AIRPORT'S PLACEMENT TO GO DOWN FURTHER. IT DOESNT MATTER ANYMORE.
I'm just so pissed at the diminishing night life i'm being robbed of. :/
even NTUC cut short their timings till 11pm daily.
& WORSE, if i'm not wrong, they service the trams at 2.30am everyday. so you will have to take the shuttle bus or walk from terminal to terminal.

& thanks to him, i get to eat my craved for ya kun kaya toast & their forever awesome half-boiled eggs.

there's this fly sticker or whatever pasted onto the men's urinals! & according to kohhweekiat's intelligent interpretation, that they tend to keep their stream of urine more in control & won't shoot out of range if they were given something to aim at. & each of the urinals have this 1cm creature stuck to the urinals!
how funny! :D HAHAHAA. i couldn't stopp laughing in amusement!
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