It taught me to book an appointment with ICA if I ever wanna replace my passport in future. & you would wanna do that too. Just go online & type in your particulars, u'll get to go much faster. 5mins online beats 2.5 hours at the place putting up with market exchanges aunties do everywhere, people telling u about their lives (they spoke so loud so u didn't really have an option), kids running about & tripping over, touching you & u can't seem irritated because they're kids, u don't wanna hurt their feelings & most importantly, their parents are JUST BEHIND you, & worse, you're subjected to playing the role of the 'sociable being' in the society of which I call hypocrisy. Everyone's good at it.
&again, the restaurant I wanted to go to-- ramen ten at tampines- has folded. The last time was changing appetites at marina square. How great.
Televising with bf was <3. Dozed off unconciously(obviously), & woke up in horror to find that my teeth wasn't brushed. & so I woke up at 4am just to get it done. Of course, what woke me up was also due to the anticipation of skype with Ashika & Martin, yet connection was down last night because of heavy rains I believe, on my 4 weeks old laptop. But I was half glad that the call didn't come because I didn't get to dl the application yet. The other half went to sulking over a potential nostalgic chitchat session with sec school classmate laughing over almost anything & JC playmate who'd hang out despite Alevels Chinese the following day. Couldn't get back to bed so i continued with the last few episodes of bigbangtheory. Resorted to overnight Bundaberg to quench thirst. but it's disguting so I replaced it with plain water. Wisdom tooth emerging. I sense the swelling & numbing. Need a dentist NOW :/ but too bad my surgery for 3 tooths ( funny how tooth is already the plural & there's still a need to add 's') is scheduled on the 19th Jan. Don't go to the national dentalclinic because they're ripping you off. Tell me if it's really cheaper because they're charging me $1290 for 3teeths+anesthesia. - <3 carotene on the iPhone
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