Koh Hwee Kiat came over to raffles today to accompany me for lunch! yay~! and he even came to fetch me from work. however, in between the 3 hour time frame between lunch and time to knock off, i noticed the unusual behavior of mr koh. i knew he was up to something.
i wonder what was it. until he told me he had a surprise for me.
woah. i super 'gian' i guessed many possibilities of what he could give me. but he wouldnt divulge anything. he went to wash his car together with his mummy upon reaching home. i ranscked his room but i found nothing.
i gave up. and went to the toilet. & i got a whole new discovery.
these are the items i found in the trash.
so what could be in the box?!
so add all these clues together, what will i get?
MY ANSWER: a bear with a bread wrapped with red and white wrapper? HAHAHHAS! WHAT AN INTELLIGENT GUESS!
but what will the meaning be behind this bear and bread thingy?
MY GUESS: the bear will be representing Mr Koh Hwee Kiat during the 16 days when he wont be around, to accompamy me, as for the bread, the bear will hold the bread to remind me not to skip meals/to eat my meals/to look at it when i am hungry to "hua mei zhi ke" (in english it means look at a plum to quench your thirst")
WAHAHHAS. so.... what is it gonna be? stay tuned to find out the truth
MORAL OF THE STORY: if u wanna surprise your girlfriend, please throw your remnants of whatever materials you've used away. especially when you have such a clever girlfriend of detective material. LOL.
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