take a good look at my nephew! what a cute thing right! this was taken last night when brother was feeding him. brother is burping him!
his name is Xavier Soh En Xian! say hi!
dont get this wrong. my brother isnt torturing him! LOL!
BEAT TILL HE "TU BAI MO!" lol!!! no la. the baby burped the milk out la.
on my way to tuiiton, went to North Point's toilet. only to have a bigggg discovery!
Singapore improving la! even a sub-area shopping centre is equipped with bidets!
look at the awesome functions. lets take a closer look!
you can adjust seat temperature, control the power of the water flow, you can choose to be green and choose the "Energy saving" option? pretty ridiculous, but i didnt try those buttons. God know how many people have landed their soiled hands out of curiousity on these new things? No way am i gonna touch it with bare hands. call me a cleaniness freak or whatever, i just REFUSE TO! lol
you can choose to aim it straight at your butt with the "Enema" button (sounds like enemy to me), you can even massage you butt! how luxurious! if you see a long queue in the toilet you know what people are up to in the cubicle now.
Quick, thank me for feeding you with such informative knowledge. HAHAS.
tuition was damn slack today. i was locked out of my kid's house for a minute because she forgot about today's session and she wasnt there to receive me for a moment. -_-'' luckily honey called to kill my boredom!
Hun called again when i went for my run! i think age is catching up on me. i feel my bones cracking, and the bruise i got a few days ago is acting up. i had no choice, i didnt want to aggravagate the wounds, i headed home in like 40 mins later. meanwhile, talk with hun was something i'd look forward for the many days ahead until he heads back.
on a new diet scheme. ت a pretty extreme but healthy enough to keep myself alive diet. i had lots of watermelon, yoghurt drink and honeydew today. ate some soupy thing for lunch, enough to last me throughout the day. with frequent servings of fruits when i feel hungry, in reasonable amounts so that the fruits dont contribute in the weight increase.
Just in case you dont know, even fruits can make u gain weight. pretty considerable. tried and tested, dont doubt me. especially crunchier ones, they have higher calorie content. i'm lazy to google for you. see for yourself (: like what people always say, just to quote "too much of anything, even the good, can make things bad"
Singapore improving la! even a sub-area shopping centre is equipped with bidets!
Quick, thank me for feeding you with such informative knowledge. HAHAS.
tuition was damn slack today. i was locked out of my kid's house for a minute because she forgot about today's session and she wasnt there to receive me for a moment. -_-'' luckily honey called to kill my boredom!
Hun called again when i went for my run! i think age is catching up on me. i feel my bones cracking, and the bruise i got a few days ago is acting up. i had no choice, i didnt want to aggravagate the wounds, i headed home in like 40 mins later. meanwhile, talk with hun was something i'd look forward for the many days ahead until he heads back.
on a new diet scheme. ت a pretty extreme but healthy enough to keep myself alive diet. i had lots of watermelon, yoghurt drink and honeydew today. ate some soupy thing for lunch, enough to last me throughout the day. with frequent servings of fruits when i feel hungry, in reasonable amounts so that the fruits dont contribute in the weight increase.
Just in case you dont know, even fruits can make u gain weight. pretty considerable. tried and tested, dont doubt me. especially crunchier ones, they have higher calorie content. i'm lazy to google for you. see for yourself (: like what people always say, just to quote "too much of anything, even the good, can make things bad"
& just a tip: these can actually be seperated into 2 parts to be used 2 times. dont make the extras go to waste? even if you smear the whole pack onto your face it'd work the same. so why not maximise it's purpose? (: but of course, put the remains in a seperate airtight container like the one above. i got mine from Muji!
it actually has some kind of heating up effect upon applying it across my face. it leaves a stinging effect and has a mild orange aroma. i hope the stinging effect arose from the formula actually detoxifying my face instead of stirring up some kind of allergy.
CAUTION: the picture below may remind you of some scary creature. so its not exactly suitable for the chicken hearted
okay lar, the aftereffects seems to be working it's magic. i shall keep it under survellience. i'll try another pack like tomorrow! a different one of course! otherwise your skin may not receive the full effects of the first one if it were to be used 2 days consectively because of the very same properties absorbed & performed on the skin.
Hun surprisingly called a 3rd one at 1 am plus to tell me that he's awake, from the terrible mozzie bites. my heart dropped. poor thing. i should have forced the tube of mopiko into his luggage. ): Darling, hang on. it's 13 more days. (:
Baby, i missed you alot too.
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