just got home from the airport. and i received this. my driving license!
too bad baby isnt here to share my joy with me. but it's alright. he was there for the actual thing anyway. (:
woke up very very early. i woke at 9.30am. i cant sleep. i kept thinking of Hwee Kiat. i wished i was like this yesterday so i could have spent 3 more hours with him. I hated myself a little for sleeping too much yesterday. ):
watched the Time Teaveller's wife today. plus many episodes of 海派甜心。cried alot because they were touching stories. cried because they made me think of my 小cute who's now offshore.
i walked to get didi & myself Ba Kut Teh. even that didnt help in the appetite. i craved for a packet of Chipster. yet i didnt get it. If Koh Hwee Kiat was here, he would have gotten it for me.
Darling, you werent here to satisfy my craving eh. ): i missed you alot.
i'm sick, i'm freaking phlegmy. my throat made me feel damn sick. but i was glad to see that i was 1.5kg lighter than the last time i weighed myself few days ago. looks like lovesick cures obesity. (not like i'm obese, just saying LOL)
when i woke up today, the fan was blowing hard and cold. i wished you were here, because you would cover me up with the blanket i've kicked away. You would embrace me close to you to take everything unpleasant away. i was tired but i just couldnt sleep well. you said you'd call, so i kept my phone close to me all the time. when it was time to shower i brought it to the shower, afraid that you'll call just then. i dozed off on the bed in the evening, and woke up in a shock each time i woke up at every 10 mins intervals to make sure i didnt miss your call. Baby, i wish you'd be back soon.
I took bear, & played your recorded voice many times today. i brought bear everywhere i went. to the living room, to my room, and he watched all the dramas together with me (: Darling, you were very considerate to have done this for me. then i thought, what if you missed me, what could you turn to? then i panicked. I'm a bad girlfriend, i didnt think of this. I should have gave you a picture of us. I should have. ))):
he called at night. i didnt know what to say. not because i dont have anything to tell, but because i have so much to ask, so much to declare. then i composed myself, a night call for which i prepared so much for. i wanted to know what have he been busy with, is he feeling okay in a foreign place? does he get to have enough rest, enough water? will there be alot of mozzies he has to struggle with? will he be bombarded with too much work? is he still having a flu?
it's ultimate mental torture ):
& upon putting down the phone, i was so happy i cried.
baby, i'm happy because, i hear that you're safe and sound :D
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