This was my first time attending a Nuffnang event! & it seems no one else i knew was going, so i had to go alone. But what fueled my courage to go ahead was the gruesome fact that i would otherwise be at home alone facing the walls & doing nothing because i've run out of dramas to watch/lost the interest to watch more.
so when i was invited to join this event i gladly RSVP-ed.
It's a Nokia workshop by this very handsome guy Mr elliot & he went through with us the idiotproof steps to creating our very own application to be put on the Ovi Store!

& these are the very fundamental reasons why it is beneficial for us to have our application (:

creation in progress

& i've known 2 new friends! they're both cosmetics reviewers! Rachel & Patricia.

& we took a picture with Mr Elliot!

& went home with a pretty doorgift :D I had a great time! & i'm so excited about my very own application on Ovi Store!

Thereafter, my very sweet boyfriend took me out to Udders for a icecream treat! & they finally have my Strawberry Fields.

& i left my blog address & logo on the grafitti walls. HAHA.

Their information card is hilarious. "Eh.. STOP LOOKING AT MY BACKSIDE." lol.

Welcome to Udders! ahhaha!
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