Till now, i'm still kept in the dark as to when this was exactly planned, or who was involved, who did what, but it's not as important to know details to the very last bit, as i think i just have to know that these people, who were actually there to help out and even be there, are the ones who really care. I've really enjoyed every single bit of it, and know that your efforts are very much appreciated by me! :D
I have lots of people to thank, but first of all:

;forking out so much time to do all these despite your exams being round the corner,
;mobilising your very lovely family too, to do the guest book, cut & paste the banner, & your daddy mummy for the very cute & heartwarming messages
;the fabulous food which made yujiang & junsheng whack on the chicken chops(next time curry chicken can make sure got breast meat? HAHA! Kidding!),
;the super cute fei fei & pui pui cake
;being the auntie to bargain for a good deal with the cake people,
;reaching out to my friends to make them come here, in which the party would otherwise not be successful at all,
;introducing me to your damn 'on' friends like xue min, mabel, & jo who helped in one way or another & of course to addition of more presents (heh heh...!)
;any other things i didnt know that you did, but have to credit you for,
& lastly, for being my prettiest, kindest, bestest, miracle friend in my life!!! :D
ps: please note that though u are like my greatest friend in earth, it still wouldnt stop me from saying u got like 100 cm extra fats around your waist, from saying u are as fat as me, or even fatter, & u got *!"£$% handwriting & the super lousy hanyupinyin!!! HAHAS! just because u are my besttttest friend :D
okay, dont cry.

;being the best boyfriend in the world.
;getting a better car for my bday
;planning this whole thing, its the most pleasant surprise i ever had
;the sweet lie to make yourself the bad guy so that i will get the surprise,
;booking the very pretty chevron
;all the touching stuff you did for me that its impossible to mention all of them here
;being there whenever i needed you & understanding my bad temper, busy schedule and what not
& being the most romantic man in my life. i love you so much!
1. to my daddy, for being the best dad in the world!
2. to my kor kor & sister in law for the very cute baby which brought a whole new season of laughter into the family & for being the very protective big brother
3. to my younger brother wei hao for being cute, submissive all the time
3. to my younger brother wei hao for being cute, submissive all the time
4.to shuai quan! for being playing the big brother role & funnest cousin in the world!
5.to jq for being so lame & making me laugh
6.to wei quan for playing being weihao's best playmate
1. to lee papa, for the very funny smiley face
2. to lee mama, for the very heart warming "pei pei" name
3. to da jie, for being best mj kaki & present!
4. to james, for letting me win mj in future (wahaha) & taking care of the lee family!
5. to kai sin, for the very pretty guest book! i love it like siao!
6. to kai sheng, for the late bday wish LOL!
7. to kai li for being such a cute thing all the time!
1. to jie jie for coming!
2. to shawn for lending the car & coming too!
1. to Kaye for opening up & be happy again. & the elaborate hand signs we do when we say goodbye, & being such a good talking partner
2. to jian quan for being a sweet boy!
3. to luke for letting me lose a little in your mj game!
4. to keng wee for being a brother figure!
5. to genevieve for staying pretty always! haha!
6. to mavis for helping to gather the happy bunch!
7. to crystal for contributing the fluff gift!
8. to pamela for forking out time from your very busy schedule!
9. to fiona for being great colleagues & so sweet!
1. to jing kai for coming! so unexpected!
2. to vincent for making the plain chocolate wrappers so meaningful!
3. to qi yuan for my favourite "ah dai" look!
4. to alvin for your ang pow & help always!
1. to yiting for your notes & intelligent exchanges/insights!
2. to laura for being the blur & cute one!
3. to natasha for the wishes & supportive friend!
4. to reuben for giving all the funny informations all the time!
1. to XueMin for being so on!
2. to Mabel for helping out too!!
3. to Ming Jun for coming but sorry that i was late!!
4. to CaiYing for helping to clear the food! HAHAHS!
5. Joanna for being my 6th fei fei!
1. to YuJiang for being so cute all the time! haha!
2. to Yu Xiang for next year's stop sign in advance!
3. to chew ian for the mj sessions!
4. to Jun Sheng for the very long bday wishes!

to top things off, we have a Toyota Camry to add to our photo collection! hahas!
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