Haha, yeah, before i start i've already stole yj's limelight, but i cant stand it cause this figurine is really big, and i couldnt resist but take a pict with it. LOL.

& very sad to announce that koh hwee kiat have lost his wallet in the arcade when we were playing games. we wonder who stole it but whoever who did it, i wish the same would be done onto you, so you'd know the taste of losing you wallet.
inside was his 'ic', his brother's ic, driving license, $5 cash, bank card, + LV wallet.
Damage : >$250. LOL. but its okay darling. i have $$.
so to the freaking cheapo bugger who stole the wallet : f you! *&^%$#@!!! u're such a pathetic, if u're attached i'm sorry you girlfriend has to survive on stolen cash for every anniversaries, she/he'll leave you soon, if you're single, your mother must be so sad that she's got such a theif son/daughter.

well, enough cursing. there's jinghan&chew!

chew, the birthday boy & yuxiang!

of course not to forget cute little junsheng! HAHAH.

jh's salad. looks fresh enough...

my prawn aglio. but it's really not fantastic as it seems. even pasta mania tastes better. LOL

THIS IS OWNING! u know~ ! LOL. i should have ordered this man. damn!

look at the boys digging into the burgers?

anyway the place is called changing appetites. & i swear to you, their fries are damn good, very buttery and crispy on the outside, burning potato in the inside. i wanna go back there again!

& this is junsheng's 'Medium well' steak. HAHAHA! it's supposed to be "Medium done!" LOL.

DARLING'S RIB. but i still prefer cafe cartel's

junwei came just for a while, and he went to st james i think. a very busy man! LOL.

& we had andersen's for dessert! omg, there's a fondue. i would like to have. i havent eaten a fondue before..

birthday boy happy with his ice cream!

awww, lol.

my darling and i! (:

& i had cheesecake. but it's not good. it's very chunky, and cant melt in the mouth. they added too much gelatine i think.

orh! bian bian underage! LOL.


haha. this is gay.

okay i dont know what are they doing...

happy family! (:

& we mj-ed whole day long. in js' house.

wahaha. i think bian bian brought me luck. darling and i won $19. but we always have to calculate the petrol $$ in for driving is so expensive. so in the end, it's really just the winnings going into the petrol. (: but oh well, at least we didnt lose money.
unfortunately, after darling have lost his wallet, there's a sequence of unlucky events.
#1 :lose wallet
#2: went to police station to report yet it's closed.
#3: checked the bag that everything is okay when we left js' house, but upon reaching home, realised my camera is at his place, and we have to get it because it's shuai's POP. sigh. how unlucky.
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