What do you get on your last day of work? ....I got...

A cedele treat! Supposed to be a big Korean feast but too bad it was raining. So, this was good too (:

Yong Kai, Xinyi & i!

Jackie & Mr Han Cheng.

So this is Jackie, she's new in our team. too bad Felicia's gone to concentrate ger studies, and Gerard is on leave, so we're short of 2 people to complete my Farewell picture. so sad right.

but it's okay, there's still han cheng, chloe, Malcolm (boss) & me!

2nd present! YAY!

& I MADE ALMOST EVERYONE TO TAKE A PICT WITH MY BIAN BIAN! This is Jason! without him, i feel uneasy with nobody to 'suan' me every morning!

This is Guoliang.

Marcus! Me Know-it-All. he really knows everything that's happening in the financial world!

prezzie opening time!

oh so sweet! it's a pillow case for xiao cute and i! they wrote me a card too, & woah, i'm super touched.

& this is what Mingde got for Xinyi, a limited edition stamp collection. It's very pretty right! i wonder who will ever use the stamps. I doubt so.

3rd prezzie: A Awfully Chocolate Banana cake! from Jackie, Han Cheng & Yong Kai! Thanks guys! (:

Yum Yum!

& Ada, a senior risk operation officer. she's pretty young yet very capable to hold such a high position eh! The fact that she's damn friendly & pleasant all the time makes her so lovable. One of my facourite characters of my time in Stan chart!
Stan Chart certainly brought me plenty of lovely memories, & an experience which i never would forget. & the farewell gifts and all was a whole lot of an unexpected fanfare & it really made me feel damn touched. I've learnt lots of things here & i think i've grown up alot as an adult in the working life.
& now, the only thing i can tell all of my friends is that, once we all start working, we will find that our freedom will be robbed away from us, even though we may be financially stronger. Therefore, we should play as much as we want right now; go for holidays, short runaways and late night parties & just dont think too much. because you just cant live life the same.
I was glad that "working" has temporarily become "Worked".