Today is the frenchs' national day! So we all had croissants for tea break!

This is our very sinful dinner. Yes, again, all the time but that's not all...

Oh no! This is making us damn fat ! Hahas! I haven't been running in the longest time ever. Boyfriend is spoiling me :/ though it's good to know that we still have each other despite us morphing into fatty monsters, still, we got to restrain from the temptations. Yet, we've been setting deadlines to stop our extravagrant meals but we just kept postponing the deadlines. Lol.
We must stop!

This should be fresh news! Burger king has a new product on the shelves already! Saw this in 7-11. Packed fries in a bag. Pretty expensive though, $2.95-4.95. U should check it out!

& my darling's way of conversing his regret to me. Hahahh! Laugh like crazy! Insanely hilarious!
<3 bf to the max! :D
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